Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reading Time :)

I recently read I, Q by Roland Smith. The book was about Quest, who goes by Q, and Angela, who recently became step-siblings. The two are followed on their journey as Q and Angela travel with their singing parents on tour. What is surprising is the mystery that unfolds regarding Angela's believed dead mother and a terrorism plot. This was a fun read with plenty of intrigue to keep a person interested. This is just the first book in the series with the second book to come out soon. I visited Roland Smith's website and the book even had a curriculum guide which I thought was pretty cool. Anyways, that's what I just read :)

Report Card Time!

Students got report cards on Thursday and it was parent teacher conferences. I had a lot of students asking me for help on last minute assignments. As a teacher it must really be hard to know you need to take the papers because students aren't doing so well in your class but students should have been more conscientious and turned the assignment in on time instead of the last minute before report cards were due. This is one area I hope I can be strict on and maybe I won't have as many last minute papers being turned in, I am not naive enough to think there won't be any but hopefully I can get my students motivated enough to at least turn in something to me. My first year is definitely going to be interesting I am sure!